
What have we been up to? We have been watching Casey’s Aunt and Uncle’s dog Willow! She is super cute and super playful. We have been doing lots of trips to the dog park, the lake, and through the neighborhood. We might give the beach a try next because she loves the water!

I ♥ the beach

I noticed that a lot of my art is tropical in nature or has to do with the ocean in some way. Here is a collection of some of my favorite pieces that I have made in the past year or so (click pics to enlarge). Next I have to learn how to surf!
Which ones do you like the most?

Round & Round

The Fair came to Santa Barbara for the weekend so we walked over to take some night shots. You can even see the flowers on the ice plant in the foreground 🙂 I am a much happier camper when I am looking from a distance and not riding those crazy spinning, flipping, twirling machines! haha

Happy Earth Day!

I hope you all had the chance to appreciate the beauty of nature today and were able to see the world with fresh eyes. Take a walk through your neighborhood, plant new plants, sit on a bench in a park and just watch the wildlife. Take it all in and be grateful. And more importantly, make changes in how you live. Be aware of how your actions can help preserve the planet we call home. 
Stop using plastic bags at grocery stores-bring your own reusable bags. Ride a bike instead of taking the car. Recycle EVERYTHING that can be recycled. Take shorter showers. Pick up your trash. Turn off unused lights. Teach by example-others are watching (and judging you) even if you don’t know it. If we all take the extra time now to help conserve the planet, it can really make a difference for the future. 

No excuses. Even if it takes extra time. Just do it. 
Mother Earth thanks you.