♥ Locks of Love ♥

That’s right. My friend Tanda and I decided to donate our hair to http://www.locksoflove.org/. So naturally, we had to have a photo shoot beforehand to document our long hair.

_MG_9372da_MG_9554320130829_141331Good bye long hair, time for the big chop!


We celebrated with froyo and then mailed our hair across the country to FL. Locks of Love is an organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. The hairpieces that they provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers. Several of my family members have been affected by diseases such as cancer; I hope that they are able to stay strong and know that everyday is a new beginning. ♥

Taylor Swift Concert!

My parents treated Kori and I to Taylor Swift concert tickets for Kori’s 20th birthday…..and boy did we have a blast! It was an amazing show with tons of costume and set changes, dancers, crazy lighting effects, sparks, and confetti. It was a truly magical, unforgettable night. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Ed Sheeran opened for Taylor. The crowd held up all their lights while he sang “The A Team,” and it was beautiful.st

Then it was time for Taylor, and the crowd went CRAZY!P1010665P1010680blP1010720

In the middle of the show, Ed Sheeran came back out to sing “Everything Has Changed.”spccP1010781

Jennifer Lopez was the surprise guest for the night! They sang “Jenny From the Block.”gfThank you for an amazing night!

Run or Dye!

P1010514cA color run called ‘Run or Dye’ came to Santa Barbara and Kori, Tanda, Casey and I decided to sign up and have some fun running our first 5k together. The course wound through UCSB and had multiple stations along the way where colored powder was thrown at you.

P1010519cTeam Fruit Salad!

fsP1010533wlWaiting at the starting line!

P1010547Only a few people were behind us…(over 3,000!)

hbMy “running” buddy 🙂

bdP1010567cddP1010552cWhat a fun morning!