Well, February flew by…


We were hit with another snow storm. This time, rain followed the snow and then froze. This made all the tree branches heavy and many trees fell around town. Our power went out for 2 days…during Casey’s exam week. We basically camped in our cold, dark house. Fun times. That first shower after the power came on was magical. IMG_20160130_134814598

Best husband award for making me a crushed pill in applesauce when I was sick.IMG_20160204_210544602

We went to a charity basketball game: Med students vs. doctors and residents. IMG_20160213_114622032Yes, I still went out in 4 degrees to walk dogs.

IMG_20160220_115615045_HDR-1I volunteered at a painting fundraiser for charity.



And Penny was cute as usual.


What the heck are you lookin’ at, buster?


Hello from Sharell and Casey! . . . Or Casey and Sharell…? 🙂