Meeting an Instagram friend in GA!
Casey playing Legos with Anthony.
Lemon ricotta pancakes!!!
Cheesecake Factory run!
Sunset in CA
Girls lunch
Dinner at Kristin’s house!
Making gingerbread masterpieces!
Favorite donut shop trip!
Trolley light tour ride!
Ellwood walk!
Trying out Robby’s new bike.
Knapp’s Castle trip!
Christmas Eve dinner!
Christmas morning fave!
Set for life!
Romero Canyon hike.
Lunch with Laura!
Casey’s hero, Ed. Founder of Del Taco!
Las Vegas bound.
Purple purple purple!
Visiting friends in Solvang!
Lunch on the golf course.
Bikes with Anthony.
Casey’s creation.
Birthday dinner!
Watching seals or dolphins swim by the pier.
Flying back to GA
275k lights!
Family pjs! 🙂