Well, February flew by…


We were hit with another snow storm. This time, rain followed the snow and then froze. This made all the tree branches heavy and many trees fell around town. Our power went out for 2 days…during Casey’s exam week. We basically camped in our cold, dark house. Fun times. That first shower after the power came on was magical. IMG_20160130_134814598

Best husband award for making me a crushed pill in applesauce when I was sick.IMG_20160204_210544602

We went to a charity basketball game: Med students vs. doctors and residents. IMG_20160213_114622032Yes, I still went out in 4 degrees to walk dogs.

IMG_20160220_115615045_HDR-1I volunteered at a painting fundraiser for charity.



And Penny was cute as usual.


What the heck are you lookin’ at, buster?


Hello from Sharell and Casey! . . . Or Casey and Sharell…? 🙂

Cross Country Skiing + Blizzard Weekend

This weekend, we rented the last pairs of skis in our sizes at the local outdoor shop and came to LOVE cross country skiing!P1020272IMG_20160122_155021121 Skijoring with Penny.IMG_20160122_154540058IMG_20160122_155428138Going along the river in the parkway.P1020283Go Penny, go!IMG_20160122_151127544Always wants to fetch. Always.yfOur power luckily stayed on so we got to stay warm and cook good food!IMG_20160124_183013586_HDRshShoveling the driveway.bbIMG_20160124_081743983_HDRIcicles!P1020287Casey joined one of his doctor buddies on a 5 mile trek up to the top of Mill Mountain. P1020296Roanoke covered in powdered sugar! 😉
P1020294The famous star at the top!P1020301They headed back down through Fern park.P1020325I took Penny skijoring through our neighborhood, she loves it.IMG_20160124_192801143I think we tired her out this weekend!